
Birthstones, Anniversary Gifts, Religious Significance and Metaphysical Properties


Month and meaning

January  : Garnet ( constancy)

February : Amethyst ( sincerity )

March : Bloodstone, Aquamarine ( courage)

April : Diamond ( innocence )

May: Emerald ( love, success )

June : Pearl, Moonstone or   Alexandrite ( health and longevity)

July : Ruby ( contentment )

August : Sardonyx, Peridot (married happiness )

September : Sapphire ( clear thinking )

October : Opal, Tourmaline ( hope )

November : Topaz ( fidelity )

December : Turquoise, Zircon ( prosperity )

Traditional and Modern Gifts

1st – Paper ( Clocks ) 2nd – Cotton ( China )
3rd – Leather ( Crystal, Glass )
4th – Linen, Silk ( Electrical Appliances )
5th – Wood ( Silverware )
6th – Iron ( Wood )
7th – Wool, Copper , ( Desk Sets, Pen -Pencil Sets )
8th – Bronze ( Linen, Laces )
9th – Pottery, China ( Leather )
10th – Tin, Aluminum ( Diamond Jewelry )
11th – Steel ( Fashion Jewelry, Accessories )
12th – Silk ( Pearls, Colored Gems )
13th – Lace ( Textiles, Furs ) 14th – Ivory ( Gold Jewelry )
15th – Crystal ( Watches )
20th – China ( Platinum )
25th – Silver ( Sterling Silver )
30th – Pearl ( Diamond )
35th – Coral ( Jade )
40th – Ruby ( Ruby )
45th – Sapphire ( Sapphire )
50th – Gold ( Gold )
55th – Emerald ( Emerald )
60th – Diamond ( Diamond )

In Exodus 28:17-21, specific gemstones were associated with each of the twelve tribes of Israel. People of Jewish heritage may choose their birthstones based on their tribal names.

Tribe Gemstone
Reuben Carnelian
Simeon Peridot
Levi Emerald
Judah Garnet
Issachar Lapis lazuli
Zebulun Rock crystal
Joseph Zircon*
Benjamin Agate
Dan Amethyst
Naphtali Citrine
Gad Onyx
Assher Jasper

Specific gemstones were also associated with the twelve guardian angels and the twelve apostles.

Month Angel Gemstone Apostle Gemstone
January Gabriel Onyx Simon Peter Jasper
February Barchiel Jasper Andrew Ruby
March Malchediel Ruby James/John Emerald
April Ashmodei Topaz Philip Carnelian
May Amriel Ruby Bartholomew Peridot
June Muriel Emerald Thomas Aquamarine
July Verchiel Sapphire Matthew Topaz
August Hamatiel Diamond James Sardonyx
September Tsuriel Zircon Thaddeus Chrysoprase
October Bariel Agate Simon Zircon*
November Adnachiel Amethyst Matthias Amethyst
December Humiel Aquamarine Paul Sapphire

The following chart provides a brief listing of selected stones and their metaphysical properties.

Agate Balances ying-yang energy, stabilizes the aura.  Facilitates discernment. Imparts strength and courage.  Opens one to innate creative talents.  (There are many forms of agate, each with specific properties.)
Amber Purifies body, mind, and spirit.  Balances electromagnetics of the body and allows even flow of energies.  Provides a positive, soothing energy.  Spiritualizes the intellect.
Amethyst Sedative energy.  Facilitates spirituality and contentment.  Stone of stability, strength, and peace.  Excellent for meditation. Enhances psychic ability.
Aventurine Independence, leadership, creativity.  Balances male/female energies.  Aligns mental, physical, emotional, and auric bodies.
Aquamarine Courage, intellect, protection.  Assists spiritual awareness, actualization.
Azurite Awakens psychic ability, insight, intuition.  Third eye.  Excellent for clearing the mind in meditation.
Apache Tears Assists in the grieving process, and allows forgiveness.  Breaks down the barriers that hold one back.  Also good for the analytical mind.
Amazonite Balancing energy, harmony, universal love.
Calcite Energy amplifier, teacher. Optical Calcite is excellent for clearing and cleansing.
Celestite Excellent stone for dream recall and astral travel.  Hope and harmony.  Communication.
Chrysocolla Strength, balance.  Promotes harmony and attunement to the earth.  Purifies one’s environment.
Chrysoprase Balances yin-yang energy.  Acceptance of self and others.
Citrine Positive energy – stone needs no cleansing .  Dissipates negative energy.  Warmth, joy, optimism.
Copal Excellent for strengthening the abilities of the mind, and altered states of consciousness.  Amplifies one’s energy field.
Diamond Purity, perfection, abundance, inspiration.
Emerald Loyalty, sensitivity, harmony, tranquility.  Assists in memory retention and mental clarity.
Fluorite Stability, order, discernment, concentration. Helps one to understand and maintain ideals and the perfection of the universe.
Garnet Commitment, devotion, love, stability and order.  Even flow of energy.
Gold Spirituality, understanding, attunement to nature.  Attracts positive energy.  Excellent healer.
Hematite Excellent for the mind.  Grounding.
Herkimer Diamond Awareness, attunement, clairvoyance, telepathy. Good for information retention.
Jade Harmony, peace, fidelity, confidence. A wonderful dream stone.
Jasper Protection, awareness, insight.  Grounding.
Kunzite Communication, love, peace.  Protects and dissolves negativity.  Excellent for meditation.
Kyanite Never needs cleaning or clearing, aligns all chakras.  Tranquility, communication, psychic awareness. Excellent for meditation and dream recall.
Labradorite Represents the light of the universe, extra-terrestrial energy.  Intuition, subconscious.  Illumination.
Lapis Lazuli Knowledge, wisdom, perfection, protection, creative expression.
Lepidolite Honesty, stability, hope, acceptance. Assists in change and transition. Facilitates astral travel.
Malachite Transformation, spiritual development. Clears the way to attain goals. Fidelity, loyalty, reasoning ability.
Moldavite Clarity, eternity. Extra-terrestrial, interdimensional access.
Moonstone Lunar, female energy.  Emotional, intuitive. Rhythms, cycles, destiny.
Obsidian Dispels negativity. Grounding, healing, protective.  Helps one to clearly see one’s flaws and the changes that are necessary.
Onyx Centering, self-control, intuitive guidance.  Assists in the grieving process.
Opal Creativity, inspiration, imagination.
Peridot Healing, protective. Allows one to understand changes in one’s life, regulates life cycles.
Petrified Wood Grounding, provides strength. Stone of transformation.
Pyrite Shields from negative energy, good stone of protection. Enhances intellect and memory. Symbol of the sun.
Quartz Crystal (clear) Universal crystal, clarity of consciousness…
Rhodochrosite Love energy. Excellent stone for balance in all areas.
Ruby Loving, nurturing, spirituality ,wealth, protection.
Rutilated Quartz Intensifies energy of the crystal. Stimulates brain. Inspiration, clairvoyance.
Sapphire Joy, peace, beauty, prosperity.
Selenite (Gypsum) Clarity of consciousness, awareness, insight, good judgement. Aids in accessing past/future lives.
Silver Mirror to the soul. Eloquence. Connects physical and astral bodies. In jewelry, it provides a balanced setting that retains the qualities of the stone it holds. Lunar energy. Cleansing, balancing.
Smoky Quartz Dissolves negativity, grounding, balancing. Excellent for meditation.
Sodalite Logic, efficiency, truthfulness. Enhances group communication.
Sugilite Spiritual love, perfection, inspiration, confidence. Alleviates negative/destructive emotions.
Tigereye Earthy, grounding. Represents sun and earth. Optimism, insight, personal power.
Topaz Success, true love, individuality, creativity, joy.
Tourmaline Inspiration, understanding, self-confidence, balancing. Electrical.
Tourmalinated Quartz Strength, balancing. Combines attributes of tourmaline and quartz.
Turquoise Spiritual attunement, strength, grounding. Protective – excellent for astral travel.
Zircon Virtue, unification, continuity, purity.